contents copyright © 1998-2010 all rights reserved
g e t t i n g   s t a r t e d
We agree to provide our service for your usage ONLY as described below.
Any attempt to use it in any other manner will result in the immediate cancellation of your account.

** RSVP-etc reserves the right to cancel the service of anyone
offensive, argumentative, or rude to any member of our staff, or chooses not to use our service in the mannerdescribed

Everyone is treated with the utmost courtesy at all times by our staff, and we expect the same.
If you aspire to be a Bridezilla, do NOT use our service...your wedding WILL be canceled!

Due to the nature of our service, our fee is not refundable once our contact
information has been sent to your guests

We are not responsible for data lost in transmission, temporary website outages, or guests who do not respond to our reminder calls.
We will not accept calls from anyone beligerant, under the influence, or unable to identify the names or code of an event.

We're here to provide you with a completely stress-free method of managing your guestlist
We can only acomplish this if:
1. You use our service as it is designed
2. Your Invitations and Guestlist are set-up as described

Once you read the information below, and understand how to use our service...simply activate your account.
This information MUST BE READ!

the basics

You'll be working with a coordinator who will handle everything related to your account.
She will always contact you via email. Please respond in the same manner
...our coordinators cannot take phone calls.


We can only take instructions from / or respond to, ONE person on each account.
If you allow others to access your UpdatePage, please make sure they
understand that they cannot contact us.


To avoid confusing your guests, please be sure to mail your invitations on time
(3-4weeks before the RSVP date is considered proper),
DO NOT provide your guests with any other method of responding.
Your invitations must instruct guests to respond to OUR site / phone ONLY.


We are not a call center!
Although we do call guests who do not respond ...
Your Guests MUST first be given the opportunity to respond to us on their own.

In order to use our service, you agree that your guests will only be given the RSVP
info we provide.
An additional $50 will be charged if the information is found to be incomplete.


Should a guest happen to respond to you, simply direct them to us, or you can just
respond for them from your wedding page...whichever you prefer.


( calls to non-responding guests

Unless requested not to, callbacks will be started shortly after your RSVP date.
Three attempts will be made to reach non-responding guests over a three day period.
NOTE: No updates will be posted until all calls are completed.


Our offices are closed and we do not make callbacks on any holiday.
If your callback days include a holiday, calls will resume the following day.



Your account must be paid in full by your RSVP date, or you will forfit the

callback portion of our service.

If callbacks reveal that incorrect / incomplete RSVP information has been given to any guest
the calls will be stopped and account frozen until the $50 charge is paid.


Do NOT allow anyone to call a guest before our callbacks are completed and posted.
. If we find that guests received reminder calls from
anyone other than our staff, our callbacks will be cancelled.


the final report

The call results for each non-responding guest will be posted on your list...
along with anyone we were unable to reach during our three attempts.

You can easily copy the page for your records.


Most guests respond within a day or two after our reminder call. Should you decide to
call anyone, concentrate on those that we were unable to reach one should need multiple reminders!


We will contine recording responses until the day before your wedding, or until you
request that we "close" your wedding to further responses.


paying our fee

Our fee is due within 7 days of sending us your guestlist. Once your list has been uploaded,
you will be notified that your payment is due.


We do not send invoices, bills, or reminders. If your account becomes overdue,
you will not
be able to view your UpdatePage until we receive your payment


The fee is based on the total number of invitations on your list. If we receive responses from
invitations not shown on your list, they will be added to the total.

The $25 deposit
is not deductible

are your responses accurate?

(posted immediately)

We maintain a back-up website, to assure that our website is available at ALL times.

What we cannot control however, is anyone's ability to get to, or use the site!


Guests have ALWAYS hated to admit that they neglected to respond, and blaming the computer/website for losing their response is today's equivalent of
"It must've got lost in the mail"!

(posted each evening)

All calls coming into the office are digitaly recorded, which allows each response to be
processed twice. No response is posted unless the computer verifies a match
A phone response cannot be "lost" or " recorded incorrectly"!


On weekends, our office phone lines are reserved for callbacks ONLY.
Please don't confuse your guests! Make sure M - F follows the toll-free number on your invitations.

**You agree to use our service only as described on this page**
Activate your account by sending your code # to:
(Your account must be activated or the account will not be in our system)